Notes App for Windows

Notes app for windows one of the advantages that came to us thanks to the popularization of laptops is the possibility of using the PC.

To take notes and notes in classes, meetings, or other situations.

The computer is no longer anchored in a fixed place, such as at home or work. Now allows it to fulfill this role as a “notebook.”

Therefore, in this post, we want to present you with a compilation of the best web and Windows applications that exist to take notes and notes.

Best Note App For Windows.


  • We start with one of the most favorite note-taking apps out there: Evernote. The main advantage of Evernote is its comprehensive support for multiple platforms.
  • Which includes Android, Windows Phone 7, iPad, among others. Thanks to this and its ability to synchronize with the cloud and with different devices.
  • We can be sure that our notes will be available anywhere. Also, its web version is complete in terms of functions.
  • Evernote also stands out for its good options for organizing notes. It is possible to add descriptive tags, geolocation, indicate the author, etc.
  • Group them according to the date, the type of elements they contain, etc. Also, with this application, it is easy to share notes with third parties.
  • Being synchronized with the web, they can have a unique URL published on Facebook or Twitter.
  • Another factor to highlight in Evernote is its extensibility and compatibility with third-party apps.
  • There is a gallery where you can install plug-ins (some free and others paid) to extend Evernote’s functionality, and it also integrates with browsers.
  • Mail managers, and more, so that we can easily send information from these programs towards Evernote.


  • We move on to the Microsoft alternative: OneNote, which is included in all editions of Office.
  • Personally, it is the program that I prefer since it brings much more functionality than Evernote. Its main feature is the way it allows you to take notes.
  • Instead of writing in it like a word processor, we can click anywhere on the screen, and a floating text box will appear in which we can write, draw, make lists, etc. And that can be moved to either side of the note.
  • It records audio and video, it is synchronized with the cloud through Office Web Apps, it has good drawing and writing tools for tablets.
  • It allows writing mathematical expressions either with the Word equation editor, with a stylus, or with some Latex commands, and It has a “docked mode.”
  • However, It is docked to the right side of the desktop, taking up less space to take notes while using another program (which is useful for summarizing slides, study texts, etc.).
  • All of this makes OneNote an ideal tool for students and professionals. That’s the reason students use student organization tools.
  • Also, many of the functions for which in Evernote we must download a plug-in. In OneNote, they are integrated by default.
  • Examples of this are the integration with scanners, the power to take screenshots, appear immediately in a note.
  • Or index voice recordings, which allows you to search for word press write for us said within a recording once OneNote processes it.

3.Sticky Notes de Windows

  • And now we move to the other extreme: from OneNote’s power to the minimalism of Windows 7 Sticky Notes (also known as Sticky Notes ).
  • For many, the primary thing that comes to mind is to discard this tool immediately because it is fundamental.
  • But if we are not interesting in taking many notes. And instead, we want an application to save a few key things, such as to-do lists and phone numbers.
  • Ideas that come to mind on the fly and want to remember later. So with Windows Sticky Notes, we have more than enough.
  • It is possible to organize the different types of notes by color, and as an interesting detail, we have that the Sticky Notes are integrated with the instant search of Windows.
  • (That is, when you type keywords in the Start Menu, notes will appear, along with the rest of the files ).

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