Ethical investing is an investment strategy that considers a company’s social and environmental impact. This investing philosophy seeks to provide investors with a return that is both economical and social to help to create positive changes in the world.

So if you are an investor who wants to make a difference while still earning money, ethical investing may be the right choice for you.

Let’s look at what ethical investing means and the basics of investing ethically.

What are ESG Factors?

The main element of ethical investing revolves around Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors. These factors measure how well a company performs in terms of its environmental practices, social policies, and corporate governance structure. When assessing these factors, investors can make informed decisions about which companies they should invest in based on their values. In addition to evaluating these three elements, ethical investors also pay attention to the human rights records of the companies they invest in and any other issues related to sustainability or lack thereof.

Consider Your Personal Ethics

Unlike other types of investing, ethical investing means investors take a deeper look at potential investments, making sure they align with the investor’s own set of morals and ethics. This means that investors not only research company profiles, such as financial history and profits but also facts about their business practices and labor rights. Putting one’s money into investments that reflect an investor’s beliefs provides assurance that the money is being used responsibly. Ethical investing is no easy task; it requires time and research before any funds are committed to ensuring that the investment reflects the values of the individual investor.

Financial Returns

The primary concern for most investors regarding any investment decision is financial returns. It’s important to note that ethical investing does not necessarily mean sacrificing potential returns; many studies have shown that companies with solid ESG ratings often outperform those without such ratings over time. This means you don’t have to choose between earning money and doing good—you can do both.


When it comes to any investing strategy, diversification is key. When creating an ethical portfolio, you must spread your investments across different sectors and industries so that you aren’t overly exposed to just one area or sector. Diversifying your portfolio also helps protect against short-term market downturns or dips in specific sectors or industries so that your overall returns remain steady over time.


Ethical investing allows investors to do good while still earning money. By looking at Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors when making investment decisions, investors can rest assured knowing they are making informed decisions based on their values rather than simply following market trends.

Furthermore, studies have shown that companies with robust ESG ratings often outperform those without such ratings over time—so you don’t have to sacrifice potential returns. Finally, all ethical investors must diversify their portfolios across different sectors and industries so they aren’t overly exposed to just one area or sector and can maintain steady returns over time regardless of short-term market fluctuations or dips in certain sectors or industries. With this knowledge under your belt, you now have everything you need to get started on building an ethical portfolio today.