The financial sector is facing challenges in dealing with cyber threats. 2023 saw an increase of 238% in cyberattacks targeting institutions, highlighting the urgent need for strong cybersecurity measures. With their responsibility to protect large volumes of data and financial details, these institutions are grappling with new hurdles to keep their digital assets safe.

A successful breach not only exposes critical business information but can also lead to loss of trust from customers, substantial financial damages and severe regulatory consequences. To address these growing challenges the financial sector is embracing solutions like SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) to bolster their cyber defenses.

SSPM stands at the forefront of cybersecurity practices by providing critical security measures, oversight and control over SaaS applications. This strategy empowers financial institutions to uphold a security posture proactively detect vulnerabilities and swiftly respond to emerging risks. Companies such as Wing Security are leading this transformation by offering SSPM solutions tailored to combat evolving cyber threats like Shadow IT third-party risks, in SaaS supply chains and Gen AI driven attacks.

Exploring the Risk Environment

The security challenges that financial institutions face are intricate and constantly changing. Cybercriminals are growing more sophisticated in their methods to gain access to the most secure online assets. The appeal of valuable data and significant financial resources makes these organizations attractive targets for malicious individuals.

Data breach stands out as a growing concern. Financial institutions store a wealth of information that cyber criminals find enticing. If this data is compromised it can lead to identity theft, financial scams, and a severe erosion of customer confidence. The aftermath of breaches goes beyond financial harm often resulting in lasting damage to reputation that can take years to repair and the most obvious, legal repercussions. .

Ransomware attacks have also become a pressing issue for the industry. These incidents can disrupt operations and halt services. The financial sector has experienced a rise in ransomware attacks underscoring the need for effective preventive measures and comprehensive response strategies.

Insider threats present another obstacle. Whether through actions or unintentional errors, employees or contractors with access to data can jeopardize security. Implementing monitoring and strict access controls is crucial for reducing this risk and averting disastrous breaches.


The SaaS Supply Chain: A Fresh Challenge in Risk Management

With the increasing reliance of financial institutions on third-party SaaS applications to streamline operations and improve service delivery, more and more risks are emerging. Cyber attacks are now capitalizing on vulnerabilities found in these third-party applications within an organization’s SaaS supply chain. These applications often lack the security protocols of the institution, creating potential weak spots for cybercriminals to exploit.

In response to this escalating threat, regulatory bodies are placing emphasis on managing third-party risks. Compliance mandates are becoming stricter requiring financial institutions to effectively handle and lessen risks associated with their SaaS ecosystem.

The Importance of Compliance

For financial institutions, cybersecurity goes beyond safeguarding assets—it also involves meeting regulatory standards. Entities, like the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) and the European Union’s Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) have established frameworks to ensure that financial institutions implement cybersecurity measures.

Adhering to these regulations is not just a requirement: it is an aspect of a holistic cybersecurity approach. Noncompliance can lead to penalties, including fines and legal repercussions.

Furthermore, failure to comply could put institutions at risk of cyber attacks since security measures make them appealing targets, for cybercriminals.

To adhere to these compliance standards financial institutions need to implement cybersecurity frameworks that involve regular risk assessments, ongoing monitoring and effective incident response plans. Tools like SSPM can play a role in achieving and upholding compliance by providing in-depth visibility and control over SaaS environments.

Moving Forward: Taking a Proactive Stance on Cybersecurity

Considering the nature of cyber threats, financial institutions should adopt a holistic approach to cybersecurity. This approach should include:

  1. Regular risk assessments for identifying vulnerabilities
  2. Continuous monitoring of all systems and applications
  3. Prompt incident response capabilities
  4. Comprehensive employee training programs to address insider threats
  5. Strict third-party risk management procedures
  6. Utilizing technologies such as SSPM for security oversight

By embracing these strategies and utilizing innovative solutions, like those provided by Wing Security, financial institutions can strengthen their resilience against cyber threats ensure compliance with regulations and uphold customer trust in an increasingly digital landscape.

As the financial industry evolves, so must its cybersecurity strategies.

Financial organizations can strengthen their defenses against current and future cyber threats by proactively addressing emerging risks and embracing cutting-edge solutions.