Face App

Face App recognition consolidates itself as one of the technological adventures that will cover more areas in the coming years.

All kinds of companies bet every day on the use of this technology to improve the user experience

The face app recognition and technological advances began in the 60s at the time as patterns for the templates the distance between the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth are using. Today face app recognition has evolved so much that it works even with partially covered faces such as glasses, beards, hairstyles, and lenses. Like augmented reality, this technology is continually evolving by leaps and bounds, so much so that it is currently using in different ways around the world. In addition to this there are many other apps been introduced in the market by various organisations, such as workflow application.

What is face app recognition?

  • We are talking about a biometric identification system through which the face’s unique shape and structure recognize.
  • Different existing systems use different techniques, but fundamentally, facial recognition uses the same principles as other biometric authentication techniques, such as fingerprint scanners and voice recognition.

How does face app recognition work?

All face recognition systems capture a two-dimensional or three-dimensional image of a person’s face and then compare the key information in that image with a known image database.

In the case of police forces, this database can be amassing from police identification photographs. In the case of smart home cameras, the data is likely to come from images of people you have identified as family or friends through the camera app. There are several facial recognition systems :


  • Currently, most face recognition systems rely on 2D images, either because the camera cannot capture depth information or because the reference database consists of 2D images, such as police or police photos.
  • It primarily uses landmarks such as the nose, mouth, and eyes to identify a face and measure both the width and shape of features and the distance between them.


  • Software facial recognition 3D is much more advanced. Using cameras that detect depth, the facial mark may include the contours and curves of the face and the center of the eyes and distances from points reference as the tip of your nose. See more: Advantages and applications of augmented reality in digital marketing.

Analysis of skin texture

  • It is the most recent technological development and differs from the others because it works on a much smaller scale. Instead of measuring the distance between your nose and your eyes, measure the distance between your pores.
  • Then convert those numbers into an exact code. This code is known as “skin fingerprint.” In theory, this method could be so precise that it would distinguish between twins.

Uses of facial recognition that you do not know

New forms of payment

  • In some stores in China, it is already possible to pay at famous KFC restaurants with a smile, thanks to the use of facial recognition. BBVA has used this technology to facilitate payment ‘by the face’ at its headquarters in Madrid.
  • Where users only have to look at a camera for a few seconds to pay for their food. A solution that was recently awarding as one of the year’s best ideas by Actualidad Económica.

Phone access

  • Apple has long incorporated facial recognition into its iPhone X smartphone model. It uses Face ID both to unlock the phone and to give the go-ahead in purchases or banking operations through the mobile. Different smartphone manufacturers, such as Samsung, have joined this initiative.

Tagging photos on Facebook

  • He’s been doing it for insufficient years. When you upload a photo, and the label appears on your face and your friends’ names without you having written them. It is because Facebook is making use of facial recognition.

Prevention in health issues

  • It is increasingly common for health insurances to include video conferences between doctors and patients in their policy if the latter cannot attend the doctor in person.
  • In this case, facial recognition uses to detect diseases’ symptoms and find a medical diagnosis, especially in psychological matters.

Identification at airports

  • The airports in Orlando, New York, Atlanta, and Orlando already have it. The application of facial recognition speeds up procedures as well as ensuring greater security. In the case of the United States, one of the main objectives is to control immigrants’ stay in the country.

Facilitate the search for missing persons

  • In cities like India, the facial recognition system has been enabled in the streets to compare the images from the cameras with the photos from the database of missing children.
  • However, China has the same system to control its citizens. And also, it perfectly exemplifies that the benefits that technological advances bring with them depend entirely on their use.

Police investigations

  • The United States police have bought it from Amazon. The system is called Amazon Rekognition, and it offers highly accurate recognition that helps you recognize and identify faces. This system is arousing harsh criticism for not clarifying.
  • The fine line that separates privacy from the good for the citizen. In the United Kingdom, they have tried to take advantage of this technology. With the same objective, achieving 98% false positives.

Innovation in cars

  • Several automakers explore new security tools to unlock cars. Apple has introduced a facial recognition system to unlock the vehicle. The user can install this technology in the car or use the iPhone X, which already includes the facial recognition system, to enter its interior.

Driving safety

  • A Shanghai transportation company has announced a partnership with the artificial intelligence Write for us. Company SenseTime to equip its bus fleet with a facial recognition system. This technology serves as a payment system for passengers and also detects bus driver fatigue.
  • For example, assess whether they are distracted or misbehaving based on their movements or the time they spend with their eyes closed.

Segmented advertising

  • In advertising, organizations have leveraged technology as a useful and cost-effective. Way to segment their campaigns, targeting specific ads to specific customer profiles.
  • The goal is to determine a customer’s gender, age, and other demographics to deliver more targeted and “fine-tuned” advertising.
  • As explained above, there are multiple benefits to using facial recognition systems. However, they help us to carry out and streamline our day-to-day activities.
  • It is instrumental in occupational safety issues, mobile accesses, and applications, online education, etc. Also, we are sure that more and more applications of this technology. Will be adding in other areas that will facilitate processes and make them safer shortly.

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