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IOS  Write For Us

IOS  Write For Us

IOS a mobile operating system that was developed and developed by Apple Inc. exclusively for its hardware. The active system powers many of the company’s mobile devices, including the iPhone and iPod Touch; the term also included versions that run on iPad until version 13 of the iPad’s name was introduced in 2019. And also, It is the second most installed mobile operating system in the world after Android. Therefore,  It is the basis for three other Apple operating systems: iPad OS, tv OS, and watch OS. Although some portions are open source under Apple’s public source license and additional licenses, this is proprietary software.

Introduced in 2007 for the first generation of iPhones, iOS has since expanded to support other Apple devices, such as the iPod Touch (September 2007) and the iPad (released January 2010; And also, availability April 2010). The App Store contains more than 2.1 million iOS applications, of which 1 million are native to iPads. Together, these mobile applications have been downloaded more than 130 billion times.

Significant versions of iOS released every year. And also, The current stable version, iOS 14, was released to the public on September 16, 2020.  It has made many changes to the user interface, including the ability to put widgets on the home screen, a compact user interface for Siri and phone calls, and change both the default web browser and messaging apps. No device has been removed because all iOS 13 compatible devices can run iOS 14.

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Why Write For Technology Beam - IOS Write for UsSearch Terms Related to IOS Write For Us

iPod Touch

iOS 14

first-generation iPhone


Scott For stall

Tony Fadell

web applications




gained massive popularity


user interface

news ticker

weather forecast

home screen

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