Optimization Definition

Optimization refers to the action and effect of optimizing. In general terms, it refers to the ability to do or solve something in the most efficient way possible.

In recent periods, Optimization has connected to the world of computing.

However, it is a concept that is rummage-sale in mathematics, process management, and economics.

Within the company, we can refer to the optimization of processes by simplifying specific procedures.

So they can be carried out in a more agile way. For example, employees may lose time from the workday while their boss distributes the group’s tasks.

Similarly, the company can reduce certain unnecessary expenses. For example, perhaps the company is buying more stationery than is necessary for use in the office.

What are the types of optimization?

Optimization in the personal sphere

  • It can be engaged on a personal level.
  • For example, an individual may be looking for the best way to carry out the tasks assigned to him by his boss.
  • Then you will start with the first to avoid getting bogged down with the more complicated tasks.

Optimization in IT

  • It in computing means making a system, whether it be software or hardware, works with the highest possible speed and stability.
  • One way to achieve this could be, for example, to remove programs that are no longer use on a computer.
  • Similarly, you can choose to delete old files that only take up space in the device memory.

Optimization in Mathematics

  • Mathematical optimization is the choice of the best element, within a broader group of available features.
  • These problems, which involve the use of formulas to calculate optimal values, are called optimization problems and are part of applied mathematics.
  • It has several subfields, among which are:
  • Combinatorial optimization, in charge of studying the problems in which the set of solutions can abridge to one, or it can be discrete (divisible a finite number of times).

Optimization in Computer

  • It is the process that seeks to improve the performance of the software, hardware, or networks of a system so that it works efficiently.
  • In hardware optimization, all external elements of a terminal enter, including peripherals.
  • These can be modified or changed to improve team performance, but can also have an aesthetic purpose for its part.
  • Software optimization seeks to adopt a program to make it work better.
  • In this sense, It’s efficiency has to do with improvements in speed, amount of memory used, execution time, bandwidth usage, and power consumption.
  • While network optimization is about processes to improve data transfer in such a way that it is possible to carry it out in the shortest possible time and using the least amount of available resources.

Optimization in Administration

  • The implementation of methodologies that help companies improve their performance and productivity recognized in the administrative area as process optimization or improvement.
  • In this case, not only the operational or financial part is considered but also the human resource.
  • It is about achieving greater efficiency but considering the company as a whole.
  • Process improvement includes the implementation of new working methods, investment in products or services that help automate tasks, determine project scope, performance measurement, among other tasks.

Optimization in Economy

  • In the economic area, It has to do with the execution of processes or strategies that help improve the sustainability and performance of a company.
  • Generally, these measures imply a reduction in costs, which means the elimination of superfluous expenses, modification of working methods to guarantee it of resources, efforts to save energy, materials, services, etc.

What is the process of Optimization?

The determination of process optimization is to reduce or eliminate waste of time and resources, unnecessary expenses, obstacles, and errors, reaching the goal of the process.

We only spend time correcting an error if it exists. It is not enough to know this, but yes, to understand how to achieve it.

How to Identify?

  1. First, you need to identify what process optimization is for your company.
  2. Think of a process in your company that is costing you more than it should, or causing discontent from customers, or even stressing employees.

How to Implement?

  1. Learning about the process in detail and identifying the possibilities for change and the need for improvements.
  2. It is time to put the process into practice in a new way. This is a tricky part of process optimization.
  3. It is crucial for both process goals and process optimization that everyone embraces the new process from the start and makes all the changes they show.

How to Automate?

  1. Insisting on the same mistakes and expecting different results is the recipe for failure.
  2. Repeating and increasing successful practices is the key to prospering.
  3. Automate processes that have tested and approved, to distribute them throughout the company, and see the results in reduced expenses, prevention of errors decreased waste, and increased productivity.

How to Monitor?

  1. Throughout the whole process of what is process optimization, monitor, monitor, and control.
  2. After automation, you will indeed find new points of improvement and obstacles to overcome.
  3. Identify them, rethink the process, implement it, and automate it. See here how to monitor functions.