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Science Write For Us

Science Write For Us, Contribute And Submit postScience is a systematic enterprise that creates and organizes knowledge in verifiable explanations and predictions about the universe.

Therefore, earliest roots of science can be traced back to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia from around 3000 to 1200 BC. K.  And also, His contributions to mathematics, astronomy, and medicine entered and formed the Greek natural philosophy of classical antiquity. Formal attempts were made to explain events in the physical world based on natural causes.  After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, knowledge of the Greek worldview deteriorated in Western Europe during the early centuries (400-1000 AD) of the Middle Ages. Still, it persisted in the Muslim world during the Golden Age of Islam.

The restoration and assimilation of Greek works and Islamic studies in Western Europe from the 10th to the 13th century revived “natural philosophy, which was later reformed by the Scientific Revolution, which began in the 16th century. As new ideas and discoveries moved away from earlier Greek concepts and traditions Soon, the scientific method began to play a more important role in the creation of knowledge, and it was not until the 19th century that many institutional and professional features of science began to take shape;  And also, with the passage from “natural philosophy” to “natural science.

Modern science is generally divided into three main sections, comprising the natural sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, and physics), which study nature in the broadest sense; social sciences (e.g., economics, psychology, and sociology), which study people and societies; and formal sciences (e.g., logic, mathematics, and theoretical calculus), which deal with symbols governed by rules. However, there is controversy about whether formal science is a science since it is not based on empirical evidence.  Disciplines that use existing scientific knowledge for practical purposes, such as engineering and medicine, are called applied sciences.

Meaning of science

Science is called any knowledge or knowledge constituted by the observation and the systematic and reasoned study of nature, society, And also,   thought.

The objective of science is to discover the laws that govern reality, understand them, and explain them. It follows that the function of science is to describe, And also, explain and predict such phenomena to improve human life.

Science produces scientific knowledge. It is defined as the body of knowledge obtained by the scientific method, that is to say, by systematic observation and analysis. Therefore, scientific knowledge offers reasoned and valid conclusions that can be tested.

Therefore,  word science comes from the Latin science, which means “knowledge” or “to know” and is not limited to a specific field.

In this sense, science includes all fields of knowledge and studies (including formal, natural, social, and human sciences)  leading to the development of particular theories and methods for each domain.

Science is also closely linked to technology, especially since the second half of the 19th century. Therefore, Hence the importance of scientific studies aimed at creating or perfecting the technology.

Characteristics of science

Therefore,  sciences are very different in their specific purposes. However, they all search for general laws, fundamental methodological principles, a recurring character, and utility for civilization. So let’s look at each feature separately.

Apply the scientific method. And also, Science applies verifiable standards and criteria to study phenomena, which is called the scientific method. And also, The scientific method is based on:



Formulation of hypotheses


demonstration and


He usually looks for general laws. Therefore,  Science tries to understand the directions or general principles that govern phenomena. Therefore, Some sciences, such as mathematics, seek to ensure that these laws have a certain degree of certainty. Other sciences, such as the natural or social sciences, construct rules subject to constant revision. And also, of a general law in science is Newton’s law of gravity.

And also, It is cumulative and systematic. Science values ​​the knowledge accumulated from previous investigations, that is to say, the antecedents. These are always a starting point, either as support or as questioning. And also, At the same time, all new knowledge is part of the scientific heritage. For example, Copernicus’s heliocentric theory replaced Ptolemy’s geocentric theory, while Kepler’s laws of elliptical orbits perfected Copernicus’ theory.

And also, She is helpful. All science produces practical knowledge necessary to interpret reality and stimulate human and social development in all aspects: And also, cultural, intellectual, technological, industrial, etc. For example, science allowed the discovery of penicillin and electricity.

Types of science

The most widely used classification model distinguishes the formal sciences and the natural sciences, called in other models “experimental or empirical.”

Formal sciences

These are the ones that aim at mental abstractions and, therefore, are analytical, like mathematics and logic.

They are called formal sciences because they do not deal with concrete contents but with axioms or abstract concepts that human beings grasp through deduction and inference, called “forms” or “ideal objects.”

The formal sciences are





computer science

theoretical science of calculus

Evidence-based science

Therefore,  According to Mario Bunge’s classification, factual sciences study natural, social or human facts. On the other hand, some theorists call them empirical and experimental sciences because they can be verified in reality, either by observation or by experimentation. Thus, they are subdivided into natural sciences and social and human sciences.

natural Sciences

The natural sciences describe, order, and compare natural phenomena, that is, the objects of nature and the processes that occur there, of which we can even formulate laws and rules.

Therefore,  field of activity of the natural sciences consists mainly of investigations without specific application.

The natural sciences are as follows:






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Scientific method
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Scientific community
Natural laws
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STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)

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