Server Definition

The Server has two meanings in the computing field. The first refers to the computer that makes resources available through a network. The second refers to the program that runs on that computer.

Hardware: A hardware-based server is a physical machine integrated into a computer network on which, in addition to the operating system.

Software: A software-based server is a database that offers an exceptional service that other programs called clients (clients) can use locally or over a network.

The basis of communication is the client-server model, and, as regards data exchange, service-specific transmission protocols come into play.

How does Server work?

  1. The provision of it works through a computer network has based on the client-server model.
  2. A concept that makes it possible to distribute the tasks among the different computers and make them accessible to more than one end-user independently.
  3. Each facility available through a network will be existing by it (software) that is permanently on standby.
  4. The only way to confirm that clients are the web browser or email clients always access actively and use the service according to their needs.

What are the types of Servers?

The communication between client and Server depends on each service and is defined using a transmission protocol.

1. Web Server

  • The main task of it is to save and organize web pages and deliver them to clients such as web browsers or crawlers.
  • The communique between the Server (software) and the client has based on HTTP, that is, on the hypertext transfer protocol or HTTPS, the encrypted variant.
  • As a rule, HTML documents, and the elements embedded in them, such as images, style sheets, or scripts, are transmitted.
  • The most popular web servers are the Apache HTTP, Microsoft Internet Information Services (ISS), or the Nginx.

2. File Server

  • It is responsible for storing the data accessed by different clients over a network.
  • Companies are betting on such file management so that the number of workgroups that have access to the same data is more significant.
  • It counteracts conflicts caused by different versions of local files. It enables both automatic creation of different versions of data and a central backup of all company data.
  • When accessing it via the Internet, transmission protocols such as FTP, SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol), FTPS, or SCP (Secure Copy) come into play.
  • The SMB and NFS (Network File System) protocol are also usually created on local area networks (LANs).

3. Email Server

  • An email server consists of several software modules whose interaction makes it possible to receive, send, and forward emails, as well as make them available.
  • As a general rule, it works through the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ( SMTP ).
  • Users who want to access it needs an email client that collects messages from the Server and delivers them to their inbox.
  • This process takes place through the IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) or POP protocols (Post Office Protocol).

4. Database Server

  • A database server is a computer program that enables other programs to access one or more database systems over a network.
  • The software solutions with a high market share are Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, and DB2.
  • And also, it helps web servers, as a rule, in storing and delivering data.

5. Game Server

  • Game servers are servers (software) created specifically for online multiplayer games.
  • These manage online game data and allow synchronous interaction with the virtual world.
  • The hardware base of it is located in the data center of specialized providers or is available on a local home network.

6. Proxy Server

  • The proxy server helps as a communication interface in computer networks.
  • In its role as an intermediary, the proxy server receives network requests and transmits them through its IP address.
  • These have used to filter communication, to control bandwidth, to increase availability through load sharing, as well as to store data (caching) temporarily. Just like an knowledge management software.
  • Also, it allows extensive anonymization, as the client’s IP address is unseen in the proxy.

7. DNS Server

  • It allows name resolution on a network.
  • These are vitally important to the worldwide computer network (WWW), as they translate hostnames like into the corresponding IP address.
  • And also, If you want to know more about the name and the domain name system (DNS).

What is Server hosting?

  1. While large companies find it profitable to acquire server hardware, freelancers, and individuals who want to develop projects on their Servers usually resort to renting.
  2. Specialized providers offer different models of rental servers in which users do not have to worry about the operation of the physical machine.
  3. The product ranges from dedicated servers whose hardware components are made exclusively available to the user.
  4. And also, to share hosting services for hosting multiple virtual clients on a joint hardware base.
  5. For more information, visit our guide on the pros and cons of different accommodation models.

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