Traveling somewhere new can be daunting, to say the least. Maybe you’re the kind of person who doesn’t just want to visit a place. Maybe you want to travel in style. You want to run the place like you’ve been there hundreds of times.

If that sounds like you, then here are a few tips and tricks to get you started down that path.

Check the Weather

Sydney is known for its blistering sunny days and clear skies, but they are no stranger to a storm. On any given day, you could wake up to crystal clear skies and shining sun, and by the time you’ve eaten lunch, the sky could be full of dark clouds preparing for a torrential downpour. This is why it is so important to check the weather every day.

One more important thing. If the weather does call for rain. Bring a poncho instead of an umbrella. Even the strongest of umbrellas tend to not fare very well against an Australian storm.

Plan for Slow Transportation

It’s no secret that the city’s transportation system isn’t the best. When using Sydney’s public transportation, you can expect lines and delays. But that’s okay. All you have to do is anticipate slow transportation and enjoy the ride.

Be sure to pick up an Opal card to make all of your public transportation easy and efficient. All you have to do is load the card and swipe in and out of any transportation vessel you choose to use.


Ferries operate a little bit differently in this city. Many locals use them as primary transportation to and from work every day. You will find that you need to get from one side of the Sydney Harbor to the other quite often. Using the ferry for this is practical, and it comes with a stunning view.

Catch Them Before They Close

One tip that everyone should know when planning their travel around Sydney is that they like to shut everything down pretty early. You can find restaurants closing their kitchen down around nine-thirty pm, bars closing their doors at one-thirty am, and even shops won’t stay open past seven pm.

So, plan your days out. Be sure to get your shopping done before the shops close, and eat your dinner before the chef throws in the towel for the night. Otherwise, you may be traveling out of the city just for a late-night bite.

Store Your Luggage

If you plan on doing lots of shopping but don’t want to carry your bags around all day, then luggage storage Sydney is the perfect thing for you. There are many twenty-four-hour storage locations throughout the city and the surrounding area that you can rent to store your bags. Leaving you hands-free to enjoy the rest of your day.

Its name speaks for itself. You can also utilize this luxury on travel days to temporarily store your luggage while you wait for your room. So you can go ahead and start enjoying the city.

Take Advantage of Free Wifi

Nothing says style like taking some time in a park to answer emails or research your next activity. Sydney has supplied a few parks with hotspot capability so you can enjoy free wifi while also enjoying the fresh Aussie air.

The Famous Sydney Opera House

Perhaps the must-see at the top of everyone’s list is the infamous Sydney Opera House. While this truly is a sight to behold, you have to know when to go so that you can get the most out of your experience. Visiting this marvelous structure during sunset is the way to go.

As the sun goes down, a First Nation artist’s work will be projected onto the exterior sails of the building. Not only is this art an amazing sight to behold, but it also gives you insight into the rich history that Sydney has. Oh, and don’t forget to actually go inside. It’s gorgeous!

Fit In with the Locals

Last but not least. Nothing tops off a visit like taking part in something that the locals love to regularly do. In this case, it’s a barbeque! If one thing is true about Aussies, it’s that they love to get together and have a full-fledged barbeque.

Even if you don’t get the chance to be invited to a local’s backyard party, you can still make your way to a free barbeque that the city often holds.

Now That You’re Ready, Enjoy!

Now that you’ve learned a few tips and tricks. Your travel to Sydney can be full of stylish ferry rides, hands-free shopping, free wifi, and wonderful experiences. Enjoy!