The most significant advantage provided by Oracle Cloud ERP is its ever-evolving features pushed to the customers during quarterly updates. So, Oracle customers are privileged to work on enhanced features and improve their business operations regularly.

Frequent updates are the compelling reason customers migrate to Oracle Cloud from on-premise. Unlike on-premises, in which major updates occur once in two to three years, Oracle rolls out quarterly updates so that customers can quickly leverage new features. Hence organizations can take quick advantage of new features and functionalities.

The increase in the speed of change in Oracle Cloud has unfortunately increased the number of business risks, as it tends to break the existing business processes. Enterprises cannot bear any disruptions in existing business processes as teams cannot properly function, and could lead to decline in productivity

Organizations must test their enterprise software during every quarterly update to avoid the slightest impact on the existing business processes. 

So let’s overview the major reasons to Test automate Oracle Cloud:

Implement changes in the business processes:

To keep pace with the market dynamics, competitive pressure, and business turbulence, enterprises frequently update their business processes and workflows. Whenever a new process is introduced in the cloud environment, it must be tested to avoid changes in the existing business processes. Test automation is the best solution to deal with these changes and keep business risks at bay.

Secure Customizations :

Oracle Cloud enables all enterprises to have their own customizations. These customizations are likely to break during the Oracle Cloud quarterly and patch updates. Test automation is imperative to implement to ensure that the updates do not impact customizations.

Secure Integrations:

Most enterprises integrate their Oracle Cloud Apps with third-party systems and productivity tools like Office 365, slack, Jira, etc. Oracle Cloud updates affect the integrations, it’s important to validate each integration with every update. Having an End-To-End testing tool that supports hundreds of these integrations is the key to ensuring that none break.

Maintain Compliance:

As the Oracle Cloud model works on the role-based security model, with each Oracle Cloud update, there is a high possibility of security models getting changed. Organizations should test security and user privileges after every update to maintain compliance. Since each security model consists of hundreds of functions and Data security privileges, it is impossible to validate hundreds of roles manually. Automated testing solves this challenge.


Enterprises need a comprehensive test automation tool like Opkey comprising technologies enabling qualitative and accelerating speed of test automation. Opkey leverages the latest technologies like Test Mining and Risk Assessment, Impact Analysis, and Automatic Healing of Test Scripts to provide seamless test automation while dealing with the everyday challenges of Oracle Cloud test automation.